Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random thoughts: their importance

Have a fling with your wife sometime: My advice to philandering husbands of today..
Life is all about selling yourself to others, so why not help sell other things for a change?: My decision to join advertising.
That is a dose of the wandering thoughts in my brain. A befitting thought that struck me, to reinforce my point:
If I die like a brave woman, my last words would be "Ouch".
That is how the creative process goes I guess. First a vague, almost mad idea or thought grips you mid-motion, mid-conversation, mid-thinking, mid-...yeah mid-anything, and you are left with a sense of what it was that just went. You pen it down, and here you have a weird thought. That forms the basis of the larger things in your life.

Is 'Eureka' a befitting part of this club?

So give due importance to these thoughts. Save them. Use them. Let the world be run by them. We shall have a less contrived world out there. Share.


wuwei said...


Anonymous said...

well,when an individual's advertising idea sells,actually he/she is trying to sell himself/herself alone....and no one else...coz we portray the item we are selling,and that's the selling media.If at all people would be buying the product based on utility,advertising would be a sheer waste,but it's not,and what sells or helps get the hype is the idea,which is nothing but you.

So give due importance to both you and your thoughts. Save you. Use you. Let the world be run by you(coz your ides running them is infact you running them). We shall have a less contrived world out there of course.