Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Your Bad dream.. is telling you something

I woke up reliving a bad dream. The thing about dreams that startle you is the deep emotions you feel. So strong and vivid, that they leave you breathless. I personally feel the distractions in reality tend to numb your raw emotions to an extent that you feel less than you undergo, whereas in dreams, the ability to feel is accentuated and you feel numb when they hit you in their full capacity.

The dream last night, like the one the night before, was related to violence, murder and loss. What makes these kind of dreams occur to me, I have no clue, but I do feel them through every cell in me, my nerves and they touch my very core. 

Today I got a dream about a child being reared by a mother in a strict manner, felt the child has undergone a lot but the mother's intentions are pure, one day the child was kept on a dining table and slapped senseless, until the child could bear no more and killed the mother, in a gruesome manner. I do not remember any details, but I remember getting to know later about this in the dream, felt like someone close, and then the deep, settling, final feeling of loss.

The night before it was about another tale of loss. 

I do not want to go into details, but I feel dreams sometimes emulate real life, so the stress and tensions in my daily life is creeping into my dream land. 

I wish I can stop such dreams and prevent their recurrence.

 Feeling positive in my day should prove the right fodder for my dream director's to feed onto. Let me try this tonight.