Have a fling with your wife sometime: My advice to philandering husbands of today..
Life is all about selling yourself to others, so why not help sell other things for a change?: My decision to join advertising.
That is a dose of the wandering thoughts in my brain. A befitting thought that struck me, to reinforce my point:
If I die like a brave woman, my last words would be "Ouch".
That is how the creative process goes I guess. First a vague, almost mad idea or thought grips you mid-motion, mid-conversation, mid-thinking, mid-...yeah mid-anything, and you are left with a sense of what it was that just went. You pen it down, and here you have a weird thought. That forms the basis of the larger things in your life.
Is 'Eureka' a befitting part of this club?
So give due importance to these thoughts. Save them. Use them. Let the world be run by them. We shall have a less contrived world out there. Share.